Sunday, November 1, 2009

What makes a home?

It's been a really long week, with the girls taking turns to come down with the dreaded hand foot mouth disease. We had to send them away to parents' and parent-in- laws' houses in the day to keep them from kissing Baby and passing it on to him. So I haven't been able to care for them in their sickness. Thankfully, dh has been caring for them, and he has become their hero.

After being at grandma's house all day, Lolo said to Daddy, " I want to go home." Daddy asked, " Do you miss home?" Lolo laughed, despite the pain she was feeling from the ulcers in her mouth, and said, " The home doesn't have eyes, and hands, and legs, right?" She was missing mommy and her beloved brother and sister, and we were 'home' to her.

What makes a home? The people living in it whom one loves.

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