Monday, April 27, 2009

Roses from my princess

I wish I took a picture of the red roses Chris bought for me. She had gone out with Daddy to Cold Storage, and when she saw the flowers, she told Daddy she wanted to buy them for Mommy because " I love her very much and want to make her very happy".

I was a very happy mommy that night, and felt so blessed. :)

It's a Boy!

It's been such a long time since I last blogged, I must have lost anyone who was following my postings. I kept thinking, " I'll do it when the first trimester's over".

It's over now, and I'm feeling alot better in the second trimester. Thought I was never going to get past the 'survival' mode, but thankfully, my energy lasts longer, and I feel pretty normal again.

Found out late January that I was pregnant, and for the first time, I could really relate to how Mary must have felt when told she was pregnant. I prayed her prayer, " I don't know what's going to happen, Lord, but be it unto me, according to Your will."

On Wednesday, the doc confirmed that it was a boy. I was in a little bit of a shock, felt so inadequate and clueless about how to take care of a boy. Also, all the stories I've heard of boys came to mind, stories that I've heard and thought, " my princesses would never do that", and now I would experience firsthand what it's like to raise a boy.

Dh reminded me that boys and girls need the same things: love, care, nurture, discipling.

I'm both excited and fearful at the same time, but the Giver of Life will supply everything I need in order to raise 3 children to bring glory to Him.