Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Missing Dad

Have been missing Daddy very much lately. When Nate was born, people said he looked like Dad. It is really comforting to know that my son who would not meet his grandfather on this earth actually resembles him.

Was trying to calm a very fussy Nate in the middle of the night and no position seemed to please him. Then I suddenly remembered how Daddy would put Lauren to sleep and would tell me, " I just keep patting her bum and she would go to sleep." I tried that, and Nate calmed down immediately.

I know Daddy would be carrying Nate all the time and spoiling him rotten if he was here. He would cuddle him and put him to sleep and relieve me of time I could spend with the girls. Daddy loves babies.

Death and separation is such a painful thing I don't think anyone ever stops feeling the pain while we live. But what glorious hope I have that I will see Daddy again in heaven, and we would never be separated again for eternity. I look forward to the day I see Daddy again. In the meantime, I will tell Nate about him and try to impart the values that Daddy had imparted in me.

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