Monday, May 4, 2009

Princess # 2 cont.

Lolo has been so funny and cute, even though she's so mischievous, she's been getting away with murder. One day, she hit her sister, and when asked to apologize, she said, "Sorry, Jie Jie," in a sing-song way. Daddy reprimanded her and told her to apologize, not to sing a song, and I just fell off the chair laughing.

Another time we were in the car, she wanted the water bottle from Chris. She was trying to snatch it, and Chris told her to ask nicely and say, "May I?" She said, " May I, may I?" in a really frustrated tone, and I just burst out laughing again. This is one kid who obeys the letter of the law, but definitely not the spirit of it.

She's definitely a princess - in - training, but a princess of God's kingdom and in my heart, nonetheless.

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