Monday, April 27, 2009

It's a Boy!

It's been such a long time since I last blogged, I must have lost anyone who was following my postings. I kept thinking, " I'll do it when the first trimester's over".

It's over now, and I'm feeling alot better in the second trimester. Thought I was never going to get past the 'survival' mode, but thankfully, my energy lasts longer, and I feel pretty normal again.

Found out late January that I was pregnant, and for the first time, I could really relate to how Mary must have felt when told she was pregnant. I prayed her prayer, " I don't know what's going to happen, Lord, but be it unto me, according to Your will."

On Wednesday, the doc confirmed that it was a boy. I was in a little bit of a shock, felt so inadequate and clueless about how to take care of a boy. Also, all the stories I've heard of boys came to mind, stories that I've heard and thought, " my princesses would never do that", and now I would experience firsthand what it's like to raise a boy.

Dh reminded me that boys and girls need the same things: love, care, nurture, discipling.

I'm both excited and fearful at the same time, but the Giver of Life will supply everything I need in order to raise 3 children to bring glory to Him.

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