Sunday, July 27, 2008

Siblings sleeping together

As I'm writing, my kids are still singing and laughing and talking. And they've been doing that for the past hour. AND it's past midnight.

It's not great that they're still up so late, but it's such precious bonding time between them I'm reluctant to end it. Christen was singing to Lauren. Then she taught her some new vocabulary words.

Here's one of the conversations that transpired ( i can hear them from my room):
Christen: Say 'eskimo', Lauren.
Lauren: Keepmo.
Christen (bursts out in laughter): No, 'eskimo'.
Lauren: Keepmo. Mummy.
Christen: Mommy is a keepmo!

Both of them burst out in laughter.

Think I need to go make them sleep now...

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