Today is Sept 28, and baby Nathaniel was due to come out yesterday. Instead, he decided he couldn't wait to see the world, and came out 3 weeks ago on Sept 5. This worked out well for me, because it meant I could start eating ice-cream and whatever I had to abstain from 3 weeks earlier. Also, the gestational diabetes I had was a blessing in disguise, because when Baby came out, the 6kg I gained from the pregnancy was lost pretty quickly, and I'm now back to my pre-pregnancy weight! :)
The labour was short, about 4 hours from the beginning to the end. After being kicked out of my bed by Lolo, I went to her bed but I couldn't sleep. I kept feeling like I 'had to go'. Thought my constipation was finally clearing up. But after a few fruitless trips to the bathroom, it suddenly dawned upon me that the regularity of the feeling could mean contractions. That was about 5am. I woke dh up, and told him I had contractions. He dismissed it as Braxton Hicks as it was just the beginning of the month, but woke up anyway. While we were contemplating whether to go to the hospital or not, he noticed blood on my nightgown. We both decided we should head to the hospital.
Baby shot out after 1 push, and the rest is history.
The past month has been challenging, to say the least. Week 1 was sheer torture and pain ( was tougher even than the labor) with leaky and sore boobs and breastfeeding. Week 2 was better with Baby having mastered latching on to the boobs and sleeping lots. Week 3 was sheer exhaustion from sleeping a max of 2 hours at each time with Baby feeding round the clock.
I wouldn't go so far as to say I want more kids after #3 at this point in tim, but I'm exceedingly thankful for the 3 children God has blessed me with. Seeing Baby's expressions and seeing him grow everyday is like seeing a miracle unfolding in front of my eyes, and somehow the pain and exhaustion pale in comparison to the joy of watching a life grow. The gals' responses have been so great, and that really adds to the sense of bliss. Chris says, " My baby is the cutest in the world." Lolo goes around telling everyone, " This is MY baby, not YOURS!"