We did VBS for the first time in my church, and I offered to help, not knowing what I was getting in to. It took a few months of planning and preparation, days of setting up, and days after the camp to recover from the sheer exhaustion. We set up the room to look like a Mayan jungle. Other rooms were decorated to look like a Native American village, Hawaii, Medieval Castle, Ancient China. It was amazing to see the creativity and effort of all the teachers. We were supposed to teach the ten commandments.
It was a blast running it, and although it was challenging at times to have my little 'caterpillars' with me ( I was Ms Butterfly) throughout the camp, the great thing was that the gals came back singing the camp songs. One of the songs was ' Obey, obey your parents'. The night they came back from the camp, they were talking to each other while lying on their beds. One would pretend to whine, and the other would say, " Obey!"